Dynamics of wealth building
Saturday January 28, 2012
EVER wonder why a person who is highly qualified and hardworking is unable to have sufficient wealth? On the contrary, there are those who have only basic qualifications and are not overzealous but are able to generate a significant amount of wealth.
Herein lies the answer. The Living Dynamic Circle Sdn Bhd certified neuro-semantic neuro-linguistics programming (NLP) trainer and meta-coach Anthony Pinto says its all about how we programme our beliefs and thoughts and not allow them to be impacted by negative perceptions and external factors around us.
“To succeed in what we do or in wealth creation, we should be in charge of our thinking and not allow it to be influenced by external factors which may hinder our progress.

“We process our life experiences through our five senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell and represent them in our minds by creating maps, among others via visual and auditory means.
“Through the combination of the maps in our mind and the meaning we make of the maps, we programme our behaviour. And that’s our blueprint, for example in crating wealth, and this is determined by our belief, he tells StarBizWeek.
All our behaviours, Pinto adds, have patterns and understanding how people create their NLP gives them the opportunity to change their beliefs.
He says NLP is the art of running one’s brain and managing his or her emotions and beliefs, adding that there are about 90,000 thoughts going through a person’s mind everyday.
Based on the “self-sabotaging or limiting belief,” people carry a mental image about their money and wealth which eventually becomes an individual’s self-fulfilling prophecy, he notes.
Elaborating on this, Wealth Street Sdn Bhd certified behaviour advisor and money coach K. Gunasegaran says that coping with money issues, both practically and psychologically, is a major-life struggle for millions of people even in good financial times.
Individuals, he adds often have unconscious beliefs related to money that govern their choices, patterns, and day-to-day management of money issues.
Most of the money beliefs that people maintain and practise are deeply entrenched and have been passed down from one family generation to the next, Gunasegaran explains.
Some of them conflict with others and many are not apparent to us, he says, adding that some of these include the misconception that money is power, money does not buy happiness or that money is the root of all evil.
“For example is an investor who has a belief that is based on his past choices in investment, which has produced negative outcomes, like selling low when the market is down.
“When this investor meets a financial planner hoping to achieve a far more positive outcome, it is likely he would still fall back on his belief and this will then drive him to make more wrong choices ,” he says.

Financial advisors and debt counsellors, he feels, are currently not prepared to handle people undergoing serious emotional and financial crises and to help these people overcome them in order to generate wealth.
Wealth, he adds, relates to money, self-fullfillment, joy and passion.
The roles and responsibilities of a money coach are to serve as an intermediary on behalf of their clients and assess their personal and financial needs through the best available options, he points out.
Gunasegaran says that the first and most important step in wealth building is to become aware of all our beliefs and values about wealth.
“We need first to dis-confirm our self limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs that support our wealth-building goals and activities.
“NLP enables a person to have the right knowledge and skills to change his beliefs so that they are driven and supported only by empowering beliefs,” he remarks.
The next step, he says will be to engage one’s mind and belief so that a person can develop his skills into masterful competencies in a domain or niche that has the potential for creating money.
He says, lastly, people should invest in their own financial and wealth education so that they can handle money wisely.
“Create your wealth building plan with your singularity of potential, passion and profit and persist for at least a decade,” Gunasegaran stresses.