What is NLP?
NLP or Neuro Linguistic programming is the art and science of understanding the programs that run the most powerful machine ever created - your mind. It is a practical skill with extremely effective techniques to reprogram an individual’s “mental software”. Knowing how to reprogram your “mental software” would give you the ability to choose your mental, emotional and physical states at will. Would it not be fantastic when we choose to achieve personal excellence and create value for people we interact with everyday?
NLP began as a study of how we communicate with ourselves and with others. John Grinder and Richard Bandler, co-founders of NLP, studied 3 top therapists in the mid-70s to identify successful therapy patterns used by them. Fritz Perls, the innovative psychotherapist and originator of Gestalt therapy, Virginia Satir, the extraordinary family therapist, who consistently was able to resolve difficult family relationships that many other therapists found intractable, and Milton Erickson, the world-famous hypnotherapist, all produced extraordinary success rates.
Although Perls, Satir and Erickson were all very different personalities, they used surprisingly similar underlying patterns. Grinder and Bandler took these patterns, refined them and built an elegant model which can be used for effective communication, personal change, accelerated learning, and of course greater enjoyment of life. At that time, Grinder and Bandler were living close to Gregory Bateson, the British anthropologist and writer on communications and systems theory. Bateson had written books on many different topics - biology, cybernetics, anthropology and psychotherapy. His contribution to NLP was profound and it is now becoming very clear exactly how influential he was.
From the initial models, NLP developed in two complementary directions. Firstly, NLP is a process to discover the patterns of excellence in any field. Secondly, NLP embodies the effective ways of thinking and communicating used by outstanding and high achievers. These patterns and skills can be used in their own right, and also as a feedback into the modelling process to make it even more powerful.
NLP offers a model for learning how to recognize excellence and how to emulate it. It provides a model for communication excellence. NLP chunks the rapport skills into teachable formats. NLP has identified the structure of excellence spellers and the process for training them to become champion spellers. NLP offers a high quality performance model for negotiating with others around difficult issues and so much more!
The best way to understand NLP is to experience it. In NLP, you will work with the natural processes of the mind. By doing this, you will discover that many of these mechanisms and processes lie outside your awareness to the extent that they control you. As you develop familiarity with these unconscious processes, you will learn to manage them and reprogram them to achieve excellence in all aspects of your life.
NLP provides you with the methods and the technology of reprogramming your mind to achieve whatever you want in life. Do you want it?